Sunway Student Ambassadors Giving Back to The Community

Students participating in community engagement activities have a positive and lasting impact on society. This allows them to learn life skills, gain new knowledge and to help those in need. To provide such an avenue for students to contribute and make an impact in our society, the Diploma programmes students of Sunway College Kuching started the Fund Raising Project in collaboration with Hope Place Kuching (Persatuan Kebajikan Harapan Kuching) intiative.
The initiative aims to assist and help underprivileged (B40) families and vulnerable groups in greater Kuching by raising funds and providing them basic necessities. This is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Goal 2- Reduce Food Insecurity in these families and people groups.
The initiative was led by a group of Student Ambassadors and assisted by 10 students from Diploma and ACCA-FIA, who volunteered to be part of the preparation and looking for sponsors.
The collection of contribution was in the form of cash. The team together with Hope Place Kuching prepared a list of provisions needed. Total funds worth RM1,500 were raised throughout the collection period from 3 September to 12 September. Many families were identified by Hope Place Kuching to receive the provisions.
Chris Toh, Student Ambassador, President was coordinating the project. In charge of leading the preparation tasks, coordinating with Hope Place Kuching and other students and promotion of the initiative, Chris shared that his involvement has helped to redefine his coordination skills as a leader as well as gaining experience in planning an event during the pandemic.
Taking part in the sourcing of sponsors, all the student ambassadors and volunteers shared that their participation in the initiative has heightened their determination to assist in creating a better tomorrow for the needy.
On behalf of Sunway College Kuching and Hope Place Kuching, we would also like to express our sincere thanks to the following sponsors:
1) Principal of Sunway College Ipoh;
2) Management of Sunway College Kuching;
3) Grateful Health Care Sdn Bhd.;
4) Mamaho Liang Tea;
5) The Unilounge;
6) Susan Wong Hui San;
7) Ling Tzi Tiing;
8) Toh Chun Jet;
9) Chang Su Kian