4 Things to Expect When Entering College or University

I wished when I first started university, there was a person who had told me that tertiary life would be a lot different from high school. I was 18 when I first set foot in university and I would say my first year of matriculation was not a walk in the park. It was a treacherous experience at first. The way you are taught in school is a world’s away from the lectures you receive in universities. After being an educator in a tertiary environment for more than 2 decades, I can safely surmise that most students who enter a college or university have no inkling whatsoever of the perils that await them. And so, I would like to share with the potential candidates who have the interest to enter tertiary education some pointers to prepare yourself well so that you are able to achieve success with ease.
1. Mastering English
English is no doubt the language of tertiary education. Most colleges and universities all over the world make English their official language. All learning materials and resources, lectures and tutorials are printed and conducted in English. To not be proficient in the language will create a huge problem to any students who plan to go for tertiary education. So, if you feel that you are lacking in the language, then get help at the earliest possible moment. There are many ways to improve oneself, namely, going for tuition, listening to English podcast, reading books and many more.
2. Research Skills
One of the many things that a student would do is to carry out research on various subjects assigned during the semester. Students would need to be tech savvy to find information pertaining to the subject at hand. If you are not equipped with this skill, you might want to find time learning the art of doing research. There are many tutorials on the internet that can help you to be a better researcher.
3. Presentation Skills
Research skills and Presentation skills complement each other well. However, to be a good presenter requires hard work as one needs to be proficient, confident, sharp-witted, witty, and charismatic. Giving a presentation can be intimidating at times as many eyes would be on you. If you are the nervous type, you might need to learn ways on how to settle your nerves.
4. Reading habit
If you are NOT a reader, you will cringe reading this. If you aim to go for tertiary education, you will be reading a lot of journals, articles, magazines, and books to get you through university or college. I have witnessed seeing students struggling and failing miserably in certain important papers just because they did not have the expansive knowledge of the subject matter. A lot of students think that only reading textbooks is sufficed. So, my advice to you is to pick up a book now and start reading!
There are many other preparations that you should make before embarking into the next level of education. Nevertheless, the ones mentioned above are the most pertinent in my opinion. It is wise for students to ponder on the advice given and to prepare well for the journey ahead. Despite the heavy tasks that the students should consider before considering university or college, do not forget to enjoy the ride as you go along.
by Rebecca Raphael, Senior Lecturer (English Department)
Article available on RISE issue 2