Barry Hall-Raine, the Head of International Programmes of BPP United Kingdom an approved learning partner platinum status
Barry Hall-Raine, the Head of International Programmes of BPP United Kingdom an approved learning...Sunway College Kuching Industry Advisory Board Meeting
A participation of Sunway College Kuching Industry Advisory Board Meeting was held on 29 July 201...MoU with Kaplan Higher Education Academy, Singapore
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kaplan Higher Education Academy, Singapore on 13 April 201...Sunway College Kuching offering ‘Peneraju Profesional Pensijilan Perakaunan’ (PPPP) for ACCA certification
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony on 6 April 2017 which will see Sunway College ...MoU signing ceremony with University College of Technology Sarawak (UCTS)
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony with University College of Technology Sarawak ...A talk about QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer)
A talk about QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) which is a suicide prevention training by Mr Ray...
Proven Track Record
Latest Track Record 11 May 2016
Sarawak Energy scholarship programme reinforce commitment to help Sarawak intensify its capacity building efforts
KUCHING, 5th November 2015, THURSDAY: Sarawak Energy continues to reinforce its commitment to develo...